Exicor® AT Series

Exicor® AT Series
The AT Series is the original member of the Exicor birefringence measurement system family of products. It also includes the workhorse model, serving both R&D and production requirements.
Benefits of the Exicor® AT
- The standard high speed scanning package, Scan in Motion™ or SIM, makes high spatial resolution scans (<1 mm grid spacing) practical.
- Unprecedented sensitivity in low-level birefringence measurement
- Simultaneous measurement of birefringence magnitude and angle
- Precision repeatability
- High-speed measurement
- Automatic mapping of variable-sized optical elements
Intuitive Operation
Simple, user-friendly operation guided by software. Become more efficient with your testing, data gathering, and information analysis.
No Moving Optics
Increased consistency during measuring because you’re not constantly having to readjust stage, materials, or other variables.
Small Applications
Ideal for use on plastic films, lens blanks, laser crystals, cell phone display windows, and other intricate materials.
Available Models
![]() Exicor® 120AT |
![]() Exicor® 150AT |
![]() Exicor® 250AT |
![]() Exicor® 300AT |
![]() Exicor® 500AT |
System Size: | 715mm (H) x 350mm (W) x 360mm (D) | 413mm (W) x 693mm (D) x 909mm (H) | 910mm (H) x 415mm (W) x 700mm (D) | 120cm (L) x 130cm (W) x 200cm (H) | 150cm (L) x 150cm (W) x 200cm (H) |
Max. Sample Size: | up to 120mm x 100mm | up to 150mm x 150mm | up to 250mm x 250mm | up to 300mm x 300mm and 250+mm thick | up to 500mm X 500mm and 400+mm thick |
System Details
Custom configurations and accessories are available for these models. Please contact a representative for more details.
Features of 120AT, 150AT & 250AT Models
- Automated XY stage
- 2D and 3D graphical representation of birefringence parameters
- Bench top design
- Flexible stage design for adding custom parts holders or process aids
- Advanced data analysis features included standard in user interface
Features of 300AT & 500AT Models
- Heavy duty automated XY stage
- 2D and 3D graphical representation of birefringence parameters
- 3-sided easy access stage loading design
- Large and flexible stage platform design for adding custom parts holders or process aids
- Advanced data analysis features included standard in user interface
120AT | All Other AT Models | |
Retardation Range: | 0.005 to 300+ nm | 0.005 to 300+ nm |
Retardation Resolution / Repeatability1, 2: | 0.001 nm / ± 0.02 nm | 0.001 nm / ± 0.015 nm |
Angular Resolution / Repeatability1: | 0.01º / ± 0.07° | 0.01º / ± 0.07° |
Measurement Rate / Time3: | 15 samples/sec (at 1nm spacing) | up to 100 pps / sample size dependent |
Light Source Wavelength4: | Various (625nm standard) | Various (632.8 nm standard) |
Measurement Spot Diameter5: | Between 1 mm and 3 mm (can be as low as <50 µm) | Between 1 mm and 3 mm (can be as low as <50 µm) |
Modulation Technique / Frequency: | PEMLabsTM Photoelastic Modulator / 50 kHz and 50/60 kHz | PEMLabsTM Photoelastic Modulator / 50 kHz and 50/60 kHz |
Demodulation Analysis Technique: | Hinds Instruments SignalocTM Lock-in Amplifier | Hinds Instruments SignalocTM Lock-in Amplifier |
Measurement Units: | nm (retardation), ° (angle) | nm (retardation), ° (angle) |
- 1 Typical performance at 5nm retardation
- 2 Up to 1.5 nm, 1% thereafter
- 3 Maximum data collection speed. Sample XY scan time dependent on stage movement parameters.
- 4 Custom wavelengths available
- 5 Measurement spot sizes of less than 1mm (native) require optional high resolution detector module
Further Reading
- Birefringence and piezo-Raman analysis of single crystal CVD diamond and effects on Raman laser performance, Hadiya Jasbeer, Robert J. Williams, Ondrej Kitzler, Aaron McKay, Soumya Sarang, Jipeng Lin, and Richard P. Mildren, OSA Publishing, JOSA B, Vol. 33, Issue 3, Page B56 (2016)
- Birefringence characterization of injection molded microplates, Achyut Adhikari, Anand Asundi, Proceedings Volume 9302, International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2014; 93022Q (2015)
- Birefringent properties of cyclic block copolymers and low-retardation-film development, Weijun Zhou, Charles Diehl, Dan Murray, Kurt A. Koppi, Stephen Hahn, Shin-Tson Wu, Journal of the SID, 18/1, 2010
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