Ultra-Safe Nuclear Corporation Enhances Safety and Productivity with Advanced TRISO Fuel Analysis Using Hinds Instruments’ Exicor® 2-MGEM Optical Anisotropy Factor Measurement System.

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Hillsboro, OR October 07, 2024 – Hinds Instruments is proud to announce that Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) has adopted Hinds’ state-of-the-art Exicor 2-MGEM system. This system was co-developed by Hinds and Oak Ridge National Laboratory under the leadership of Dr. Jellison.  This breakthrough technology has transformed the measurement and analysis of TRISO nuclear fuel, offering unmatched precision and reliability.

The Exicor 2-MGEM system, a near normal-incidence polarization reflection microscope, measures the Mueller matrix of TRISO samples. Together with software licensed from UT-Battelle LLC and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, this system delivers comprehensive insights into the optical anisotropy factor (OPTAF) of TRISO fuel layers. Its ability to measure linear diattenuation and other polarization parameters distinguishes it from traditional methods, allowing for a more detailed analysis of the IPyC (inner pyrolytic carbon) and OPyC (outer pyrolytic carbon) coatings. Analyzing these layers helps ensure the reliability and safety of TRISO fuel for advanced nuclear reactors, an inherently safe and robust fuel form that the Department of Energy has called “the most robust nuclear fuel on earth.” This safety basis further allows for nuclear reactors, such as USNC’s own MMR, to incorporate a modular-based construction that dramatically reduces project complexity, footprint, and accordingly increase market applications for safe, decarbonized nuclear energy.

Brian Ade, Fuel Design Manager:  “Through the EPRI TRISO fuel performance topical report and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) acceptance of the key safety features of TRISO, USNC, as well as other reactor developers, get a jump start on fuel qualification. The well-developed TRISO product specification and the associated measurements to verify the product meets the specification are critical for fuel performance and ultimately, reactor safety. The detailed and precise measurements provided by the Exicor 2-MGEM system helps us verify we are making the high-quality fuel that underpins our safety and regulatory approaches. This system enhances our ability to maintain the highest safety and quality standards in TRISO fuel production.”

The Exicor 2-MGEM system provides several significant advantages:

  • Multiple Automated Measurements: The Exicor 2-MGEM system automates linear diattenuation measurements for multiple pellets within a single sample, eliminating the need for sample rotation. By automatically capturing measurements without manual intervention, this innovation frees technicians from time-consuming tasks, enhancing efficiency and precision in TRISO fuel analysis.
  • High Resolution and Accuracy: With optical resolution below 5 microns and nominal measurement accuracy of 0.001, the 2-MGEM system is ten times more accurate than previous methods.
  • Comprehensive Data Collection: The 2-MGEM system measures four critical polarization parameters, enabling detailed imaging of various quantities and identifying small variations due to processing conditions.

Joshua Kane, Fuel Characterization Lead: “The Exicor 2-MGEM is a critical tool in our routine operations. The streamlined user-interface and automation makes routine operation a simple task. We can reliably set it up and walk away to perform other critical operations. Additionally, the high accuracy and consistency has allowed us to distinguish fine variations in processing with smaller sample sizes. This has significantly impacted our process optimization time-lines.”

Developed over the course of a 20+ year collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Exicor 2-MGEM system won a prestigious R&D 100 Award, underscoring its significance in advancing nuclear fuel technology. The current version of the 2-MGEM system improves upon previous measurement methods and provides a level of analysis essential for the development of TRISO fuel that earlier techniques are unable to achieve.

Brian Jolly, Director of Chemical Vapor Processing:  “As director of the production process that deposits the coating layers that compose TRISO fuel particles, we depend on measurements from the Exicor 2-MGEM system to quickly and accurately confirm our product is meeting our fuel specification. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) I produced small batches of TRISO particles at the research-scale and relied on the support of a HINDS Instruments ellipsometer.  At USNC our challenge was to scale up the TRISO coating process to support commercial, full-scale production.  Quick access to the same reliable measurements I became accustomed to at ORNL was a key enabler of this rapid scale-up. The Exicor 2-MGEM system’s reliability and precision are unmatched, making it an indispensable tool on our production line. Qualifying our IPyC and OPyC layers has never been easier. The system’s consistent performance ensures we meet our productivity targets without compromising on quality.”

USNC’s adoption of Hinds’ Exicor 2-MGEM for analyzing their TRISO fuel marks a significant enhancement in production efficiency while adhering to our stringent safety and quality standards so that regulatory bodies, such as the NRC, are satisfied that our fuel will perform safely in a nuclear reactor. Hinds is committed to advancing 2-MGEM technology to support TRISO producers in verifying more reliable and safer TRISO fuel, reinforcing nuclear power as the future of energy.

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About Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation: Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) is at the forefront of nuclear technology innovation, committed to developing advanced reactor technologies and fuel systems that ensure safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

About Hinds Instruments: Hinds Instruments is a leading provider of advanced optical measurement systems, dedicated to enhancing scientific research and industrial applications through innovative solutions and exceptional precision.  Exicor® is a registered trademark of Hinds Instruments, Inc.

Learn more about the Exicor 2-MGEM system here.